PoWの工程を許可制にしているかどうか バリデーダが不特定か特定できるか 分散化、改竄性、スループットを別のアプローチで解決したのがRipple。

支払いと決済 (payment v.s. settlement)、処理速度

Transactions Speeds: How Do Cryptocurrencies Stack Up To Visa or PayPal?


www.xrpchat.com上ポストより引用 ILP will eliminate obstacles to using XRP as a bridge. If there are no obstacles to using XRP as a bridge, it will come down to what works best. Technically, XRP will work extremely well. So the last piece w…


medium of exchange, store of value, unit of account ビットコインの価格安定性のお話。価格があまりに不安定だということをもって貨幣としてダメだというような話をよく見かけるけど、個人的にはそれ自体は致命的な問題ではないように思う。貯蔵に適した…

Reading: "The ModelCraft Framework: Capturing Freehand Annotations and Edits to Facilitate the 3D Model Design Process Using a Digital Pen"

Abstract Physical models are frequently created to demonstrate an idea in early design stages. In such cases, these models require to be easily annotated, but currently it's hard to do this in digital form once the model is created in the …

Reading: "ILoveSketch: As-Natural-As-Possible Sketching System for Creating 3D Curve Models"

Abstract a 3D curve sketching system that captures some of the affordances of pen and paper for professional designers, allowing them to iterate directly on concept 3D curve models Contributions automatic view rotation to improve curve ske…

Reading: "SketchComm: A Tool to Support Rich and Flexible Asynchronous Communication of Early Design Ideas"

Record the video or audio to aid sketch Get the texture, color, or sketch over Multi-media Annotation: by circling the area of interest -> create an annotation bubble audio, image, video, photo and sketch Recording thought process (record …

Reading: "Motion Doodles: An Interface for Sketching Character Motion"

Abstract Present a novel system for sketching the motion of a character Sketch a character Draw a continuous sequence of lines, arcs, and loops Parsed and mapped to a parameterized set of output motions that further reflect the location an…

Reading: "Multiperspective Panoramas for Cel Animation"

Contributions Introduce a new approach for simulating apparent camera motion through a 3D environment (How multiperspective panoramas can be created from 3D models and camera paths) Propose applications in which predefined camera moves are…

Reading: "Image Warps for Artistic Perspective Manipulation"

Abstract Introduces a tool that gives users the ability to manipulate perspective in photographs using image space controls (a 2D warp guided by constraints based on projective geometry) similar to those used by artists. Contributions Prop…

Reading: "Artistic Multiprojection Rendering"

Absract Introduce a tool for creating such multiprojection images and animations a multiprojection rendering algorithm an interactive interface for attaching local cameras to the scene geometry The most common method for creating a multipr…

Project Overview

Goal – What are we going to do?The importance of statistical learning methods in computer graphics research has increased tremendously over the last decade due to the rise of powerful computational resources and the massive accumulation of…

SandCanvas: A Multi-touch Art Medium Inspired by Sand Animation

Abstract SandCanvas is a new multi-touch digital artistic medium that simplifies the creation of sand animations Contributions Introduces a new digital artistic medium that helps the expressiveness of hand gestures on a multi-touch platfor…

Kitty: Sketching Dynamic and Interactive Illustrations

Abstract Kitty is a sketch-based tool for authoring dynamic and interactive illustrations. The application of this includes: technical illustrations, scientific explanation, infographics, medical illustrations, children's e-books, and cart…

A Lightweight, Procedural, Vector Watercolor Painting Engine

Absract Existing watercolor-like painting software produces high quality, but required powerful compute hardware and limited to screen resolutions. The paper introduces a new algorithm that enables artists to generate water color like pain…

Moxi: Real-Time Ink Dispersion in Absorbent Paper

Abstract This paper presents a physically-based method for simulating ink dispersion in absorbent paper for art creation purposes. Contributions develop an ink flow model that can simulate more complex effects than possible with previous w…

RealBrush: Painting with Examples of Physical Media

Abstract Although conventional digital painting systems use procedural rules and physical simulation to render paint strokes, this paper introduces an interactive, data-driven painting system that uses scanned images of real natural media …



Stanford CS294A: 深層学習と教師無し学習

Stanfordには機械学習のイントロ用にCS229というのがまずあってSupervised Learning(LMS, Logistic regression, Perceptron, Exponential Family, Naive Bayes, SVM, Boosting, Bagging), Unsupservised Learning(Clustering,Kmeans, PCA), Reinforcement…

Reading: "Second Surface: Multi-user Spatial Collaboration System based on Augmented Reality"

MITのSecond Surface. 紹介ビデオがvimeoにあったので貼っておく。 Second Surface on VimeoShunichi Kasaharaさんという日本人の名前がauthorsに入ってた。Contribution Up to now (then): A system for creative collaboration requires special equipment…

Reading: "Insitu: Sketching Architectural Designs in Context"

元論文: Contribution A novel approach to representing a complex site, which enables interactive, conceptual design The integration of this representation into a stroke-based sketching system A method for…

Reading: "MouseLight: Bimanual Interactions on Digital Paper Using a Pen and a Spatially-Aware Mobile Projector"

Autodesk ResearchとUniversity of MarylandとCornell Universityの共同研究。Abstract MouseLight : spatially-aware standalone mobile projector with the form factor of a mouse that can be used in combination with digital pens on paper. Contribu…

Reading: "Harold: A World Made of Drawings"

Abstract Virtual worlds created in Harold are rendered with a stroke-based system so that a world will maintain a hand-drawn appearence Introduction An ideal VR system would be capable of much expressiveness and interactivity, but that's n…

Reading: Tour Into the Picture: Using a Spidery Mesh Interface to Make Animation from a Single Image"

Abstract A method to create a scene model from a 2D image using a spidery mesh. First specify the vanishing point in the 2D image Contributions Use a novel approach to create 3D effects from a single 2D image without any knowledge of of 3D…



Cloud LaTeX | Build your own LaTeX environment, in seconds: latexをクラウドで使える. リンク/Links | 正木響研究室: 統計世界, 日本を参照. ただしリンク切れも多少ある(HPをリニューアルした日銀とか.) 特にリンク先にあるJETRO統計局ホームページ/国…

Reading: "Multispectral Photometric Stereo for Acquiring High-Fidelity Surface Normals"

// Notes: // Photometric stereo = estimates the object's surface normal information using a single camera with varying lighting conditions. Abstract Although multispectral imaging and photometric stereo are both common methods in 3D imagin…

Reading: "3D Imaging Spectroscopy for Measuring Hyperspectral Patterns on Solid Objects"

Abstract Traditional Contributions Integration of 2D imaging spectroscopy and 3D scanning enabling the measurement of physically-meaningful 3D hyperspectral patterns of arbitrarily-shaped solid objects with high accuracy modification of a …

Reading: "Hyper3D: 3D Graphics Software for Examining Cultural Artifacts"

Hyperspectral Imaging : collects and processes information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. The goal of hyperspectral imaging is to obtain the spectrum for each pixel in the image of a scene, with the purpose of finding objects, i…

The Economist: February 14th - 20th 2015

"Look at the world from his perspective, and Mr Putin is winning.”表紙のプーチンの顔がめちゃくちゃ怖い. 今週はロシア盛りだくさんな感じです. Putin’s war on the WestFrom cold war to hot war2015年までのロシアの軌跡 From cold war to crisis tal…

The Economist: February 7th - 13th 2015

間が空いてしまった. 全記事読もうとするとまとめる時間がない. 先週から試験的にThe Economist Audioを取り入れて流してるのだがいい感じ. ただ語彙が難しいのでオーディオだけで完全に理解するには限界がありそう. トップ "Capitalism’s unlikely heroes".…