Abstract Virtual worlds created in Harold are rendered with a stroke-based system so that a world will maintain a hand-drawn appearence Introduction An ideal VR system would be capable of much expressiveness and interactivity, but that's n…
Abstract A method to create a scene model from a 2D image using a spidery mesh. First specify the vanishing point in the 2D image Contributions Use a novel approach to create 3D effects from a single 2D image without any knowledge of of 3D…
Cloud LaTeX | Build your own LaTeX environment, in seconds: latexをクラウドで使える. リンク/Links | 正木響研究室: 統計世界, 日本を参照. ただしリンク切れも多少ある(HPをリニューアルした日銀とか.) 特にリンク先にあるJETRO統計局ホームページ/国…
// Notes: // Photometric stereo = estimates the object's surface normal information using a single camera with varying lighting conditions. Abstract Although multispectral imaging and photometric stereo are both common methods in 3D imagin…
Abstract Traditional Contributions Integration of 2D imaging spectroscopy and 3D scanning enabling the measurement of physically-meaningful 3D hyperspectral patterns of arbitrarily-shaped solid objects with high accuracy modification of a …
Hyperspectral Imaging : collects and processes information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. The goal of hyperspectral imaging is to obtain the spectrum for each pixel in the image of a scene, with the purpose of finding objects, i…
"Look at the world from his perspective, and Mr Putin is winning.”表紙のプーチンの顔がめちゃくちゃ怖い. 今週はロシア盛りだくさんな感じです. Putin’s war on the WestFrom cold war to hot war2015年までのロシアの軌跡 From cold war to crisis tal…
間が空いてしまった. 全記事読もうとするとまとめる時間がない. 先週から試験的にThe Economist Audioを取り入れて流してるのだがいい感じ. ただ語彙が難しいのでオーディオだけで完全に理解するには限界がありそう. トップ "Capitalism’s unlikely heroes".…
元論文はこちら 2000年のSIGGRAPH論文。三菱のラボで研究されていたらしい。概要: Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs) are a unifying representation of shape that integrate numerous concepts in computer graphics. Two main applications: 1)…
Abstraction novel sketch classification method based on Fisher vectors Contribution State-of-the-art results in sketch classification that are comparable to human performance in an existing benchmark Proposing a modified benchmark that is …
Abstract Prsents a data-driven approach for synthesizing the 6D hand gesture data for users of low-quality input devices. Given a library of 6-DOF(degree of freedom) strokes, drawn by the artist) and a 2-DOF query stroke (drawn by the user…
0. 時系列データの変動 時系列データの変動は, 基本的に, 趨勢・循環変動, 季節的変動, 不規則的変動(偶発的変動)に分けられる. 原データをそれぞれの変動要因に文官する方法には, 加法型と乗法型のモデルがある. ここで原データを, 趨勢・循環変動を, 季節…
原油価格下落について前自分なりに書いてみたが, より分かりやすい記事を見つけたので(原油価格下落について - Find x.)Why the oil price is falling sanguine = optimistic 最終段落にあるfrackerという単語が分からない.