


ILP will eliminate obstacles to using XRP as a bridge. If there are no obstacles to using XRP as a bridge, it will come down to what works best. Technically, XRP will work extremely well. So the last piece will be bringing the spreads down.

To go from X->Y directly, you pay one spread. To go X->XRP->Y, you pay two spreads. So the target market is payments where the spread in the direct market is at least twice the effective spread in either market to/from XRP. There are several strategies for making that happen:

1) The goldilocks strategy: Target specific corridors that are big enough to be worth targeting but small enough that the spread in the direct exchange between the two assets is high.

2) The nostro strategy: Target use cases where holding XRP could avoid the need to hold a large number of different currencies such that even if the XRP spread is even a tiny bit worse, there's still a net savings.

As for predicting the value of XRP, I would expect these strategies to increase the value of XRP and reduce the volatility in its price if they succeed for several reasons. First, if XRP is a preferred intermediary asset, traders will have to hold it and will constantly create demand for it. Second, if XRP is a preferred intermediary asset, people who don't know which asset they'll need next will hold it to get an even cheaper payment cost. Third, if XRP is a preferred intermediary asset, people who might be willing to take any asset they can get cheaply will hold it to get the best rate. But as for when and whether they'll succeed, my crystal ball isn't any clearer than anyone else's.

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だからUAE exchangeとかW.Uとか莫大な送金を行なっている企業が実用したら投資家が買わなくてもXRPの値段は跳ねちゃうわけです。でも上がることがわかってたら投資家も欲しがるのでもっとmoonしちゃうのではというのが予想です。あくまで個人の予想です。