Reading: "ILoveSketch: As-Natural-As-Possible Sketching System for Creating 3D Curve Models"
- a 3D curve sketching system that captures some of the affordances of pen and paper for professional designers, allowing them to iterate directly on concept 3D curve models
- automatic view rotation to improve curve sketchability
- an axis widget for sketch surface selection
- implicitly inferred changes between sketching techniques
- improve on a number of existing ideas such as a virtual sketchbook, simplified 2D and 3D view navigation, multi-stroke NURBS curve creation, and a cohesive gesture vocabulary
Strength and Weakness
- 2D strokes can define 3D curves with additional geometric constraints like shadows, symmetry, and energy minimization between anchor points.
- Visually smooth complex curves for design exploration
- Minimal interruption to sketching by GUI and gestures
- Minimal set of gestures with intrinsic affordances
- Dynamic information display to assist 2D/3D sketching
- Focus on geometric objects rather than UI components
Ideas for Extention
- Also, it assumes that users are good at drawing -> extend the line recognition system so that it can handle poor drawers too
Open Questions
- This system is focued on product design. How can we compare the effectiveness of this system compared to other exisiting skecth app?