Reading: "Artistic Multiprojection Rendering"
- Introduce a tool for creating such multiprojection images and animations
- a multiprojection rendering algorithm
- an interactive interface for attaching local cameras to the scene geometry
- The most common method for creating a multiprojection image requires a combination of 3D rendering and 2D image compositing.
- propose an algorithm that automatically resolves visibility for most practical cases and allows user adjustments when the automatically computed visibility is not satisfactory
- simple and intuitive set of camera constraints allowing the user to choose appropriate projections for a variety of artistic effects
- leverage multipass hardware rendering to achieve interactive rendering
Strength and Weakness
- adequately addresses the problem of resolving visibility in the multiprojection setting
- use a master camera to specify visibility ordering while maintaining shape distortions due to local cameras attached to each object
- provide several novel camera constraints that allow the user to obtain commonly desired effects with relative ease
- In certain cases, occlusion cycles can pose a problem in determining visibility ordering in an image
- difficulty in dealing with lighting effects
Ideas for Extention
- This system seems very suitable for architecture design. Drawings such as multi-sectional views on a single page and a large building are good examples for which users can utilize this system.
Open Questions
- What other uses can we think other than artistic expression, representation, and visualization?