


ILP will eliminate obstacles to using XRP as a bridge. If there are no obstacles to using XRP as a bridge, it will come down to what works best. Technically, XRP will work extremely well. So the last piece will be bringing the spreads down.

To go from X->Y directly, you pay one spread. To go X->XRP->Y, you pay two spreads. So the target market is payments where the spread in the direct market is at least twice the effective spread in either market to/from XRP. There are several strategies for making that happen:

1) The goldilocks strategy: Target specific corridors that are big enough to be worth targeting but small enough that the spread in the direct exchange between the two assets is high.

2) The nostro strategy: Target use cases where holding XRP could avoid the need to hold a large number of different currencies such that even if the XRP spread is even a tiny bit worse, there's still a net savings.

As for predicting the value of XRP, I would expect these strategies to increase the value of XRP and reduce the volatility in its price if they succeed for several reasons. First, if XRP is a preferred intermediary asset, traders will have to hold it and will constantly create demand for it. Second, if XRP is a preferred intermediary asset, people who don't know which asset they'll need next will hold it to get an even cheaper payment cost. Third, if XRP is a preferred intermediary asset, people who might be willing to take any asset they can get cheaply will hold it to get the best rate. But as for when and whether they'll succeed, my crystal ball isn't any clearer than anyone else's.

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だからUAE exchangeとかW.Uとか莫大な送金を行なっている企業が実用したら投資家が買わなくてもXRPの値段は跳ねちゃうわけです。でも上がることがわかってたら投資家も欲しがるのでもっとmoonしちゃうのではというのが予想です。あくまで個人の予想です。


medium of exchange, store of value, unit of account

価値が乱高下する理由はいくつかある気がしてて、1) その貨幣が表象している価値の循環回路がしっかりしていないから(=商品経済圏が成立していないから)、2) 流動性が高いために短期的な投機に弱いから、3) 安定的な貨幣供給のしくみが存在しないから、とかあるのかなと思います。


Reading: "The ModelCraft Framework: Capturing Freehand Annotations and Edits to Facilitate the 3D Model Design Process Using a Digital Pen"


  • Physical models are frequently created to demonstrate an idea in early design stages. In such cases, these models require to be easily annotated, but currently it's hard to do this in digital form once the model is created in the physical world. This paper addresses this problem by augmenting the surface of a model with a traceable pattern. It supports a wide range of operations on complex models, from editing a model to assembling multiple models, and offers physical tools to capture free-space input.


    • Integrates seamlessly with the current usage patterns among architects and mechanical designers
    • By capturing annotations and edits on physical 3D models, thier system streamlines the design process, simplifies documentation of the design history of a given project, and supports design education
  • Present in detail possible paths and challenges to be solved for the implementation of such a system using current 3D prototyping technology

Strength and Weakness

  • Annotations, edits, and assemblies instructions are naturally captured in the reference frame of the model, without the need to worry about scale or orientation. The approach that they took does not have a predefined working volume, and can easily scale in terms of the number of objects traced, number of pens used, and locations of usage.
  • Does not require a per-model calibration--very lightweight

Ideas for Extention

  • I think the CAD software Rhinocerous also uses a structured syntax based on a simple extendable command structure for the system command language. However, it also allows users to input gesture-based commands. I think each of them has its own strength, so I believe this system can also be benefited by adopting gesture-based commands.

Open Questions

  • "ILoveSketch" paper also focuses on the early phases of designing 3D models. How different is this paper from "ILoveSketch" paper in terms of the concept toward early phases desining. How can we combine these ideas to produce new concepts in early skecthing?

Reading: "ILoveSketch: As-Natural-As-Possible Sketching System for Creating 3D Curve Models"


  • a 3D curve sketching system that captures some of the affordances of pen and paper for professional designers, allowing them to iterate directly on concept 3D curve models


  • automatic view rotation to improve curve sketchability
  • an axis widget for sketch surface selection
  • implicitly inferred changes between sketching techniques
  • improve on a number of existing ideas such as a virtual sketchbook, simplified 2D and 3D view navigation, multi-stroke NURBS curve creation, and a cohesive gesture vocabulary

Strength and Weakness

  • 2D strokes can define 3D curves with additional geometric constraints like shadows, symmetry, and energy minimization between anchor points.
  • Visually smooth complex curves for design exploration
  • Minimal interruption to sketching by GUI and gestures
  • Minimal set of gestures with intrinsic affordances
  • Dynamic information display to assist 2D/3D sketching
  • Focus on geometric objects rather than UI components

Ideas for Extention

  • Also, it assumes that users are good at drawing -> extend the line recognition system so that it can handle poor drawers too

Open Questions

  • This system is focued on product design. How can we compare the effectiveness of this system compared to other exisiting skecth app?

Reading: "SketchComm: A Tool to Support Rich and Flexible Asynchronous Communication of Early Design Ideas"

Record the video or audio to aid sketch
Get the texture, color, or sketch over
Multi-media Annotation: by circling the area of interest -> create an annotation bubble
audio, image, video, photo and sketch

Recording thought process (record the entire timeline)

Review Mode: For audience. Can't be modified



Related Work

Contextual Information to Capture

  • Common categories of information that are essential in face-to-face communication of design ideas, but missing in current asynchronous channels
    • Multimodal Remarks: gesture, verbal explanations..beyond sketches)
    • Real-world References: To describe shape, color, size, material, or even sound, it is easier to refer to real-world objects than abstract sketch. Enrich the vocabulary of the designers through our tool
    • Thought Process and Logical Order: Can better understand the rationale of the designer and provide feedback on a higher conceptual level.

( SketchComm provides lightweight mechanisms for designers to record the thought process and indicate the logical order to their audience.)

    • Communication Context : the overall context of the communication session itself, such as topic, time, place, and participants. Physical memory.

SketchComm System
Two interaction modes

  • Creation mode:
    • Capturing Media Content from the Real World
    • Borrowing Sketching Elements from the Real World
    • Multimodal Annotations
    • Recording Thought Process
    • Indicating Logical Order
    • Capturing Communication Context
  • Review mode:
    • a read only mode. Includes all viewing, navigating, and replaying functions as in the Creation mode, but does not allow adding or modifying content.

User Study Method

  • Procedure
    • Stage 1: Designer Expressing Ideas
    • Stage 2: Viewer Reviewing Ideas
    • Stage 3: Designer Evaluating Viewers’ Understanding
  • Participants

Eight people, aged 23-26

    • Designers
      • 1 female, 3 male; professional industrial designers. Acted as the designers

in the study (D1-D4). In terms of sketching skills, according to self report, one was proficient, two were average, and one was below average by designer standard.

    • Viewers
      • This allowed us to observe the effectiveness of SketchComm for both audience who were designers themselves, and audience from a general background.

Open Questions

  • What are the specific examples of using SketchComm?
  • In what situations can we use SketchComm other than
  • The communication context issue isn't resolved; phsical memory of communication session won't stay. How can we make this more physical/intimate/---? Maybe incorporate using paper (not digital sketch) ; scanning paper; add functions that designers can put multi-media annotation on the sanned paper